Caesar Lima's profile

BIG hair

Makeup Arts
BIG hair
The Cheveux shoot
The Big Hair Story
A creative collaboration with Daven Mayedan and Leibi Carias, hair is such a big element of female beauty. We can say it is the picture frame of the face and here we explore the possibilities in an exagerated manner.In the 18th century big hair was definitely the ‘in’ thing and many styles were modelled over a cage frameor horsehair pads – the bigger the better. Some immensely tall coiffures took hours to create and were heavily starched and powdered. Here is the a small preview of the Cheveux shoot.
Big is beautiful!
photo by Caesar Lima
hair by Daven Mayeda
make up by Leibi Carias
model: Michelle Arenal

BIG hair

BIG hair

Big hair shoot Photography by Caesar Lima Imaging by Felipe Silva
